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  • Writer's pictureTosha Freeman

“NOW What?”

As summer slowly approaches, and people begin to emerge from their yearlong place of

shelter, the question we must all ask ourselves is, “NOW What?” So much has been lost and

yet, so much has been gained; and the one thing that we can all agree on is, “NOTHING is or will

ever be the same.”

I’m grateful to still be here…I’m BLESSED that my family is still here. GOD IS GOOD! After what

we humans, here on planet earth have been through this past year, we must now be vigilant

more than ever, because the ‘invisible enemy’ is still lurking. Don’t let your guard down!

In spite of all the health warnings, the world is full of what the Bible calls a, ‘stiff-necked’

people; those who are determined to do what they want to do, and to go where they want to

go, with no concern or regard about how their decisions and actions may affect others.

I get it, we’ve all been on lockdown for over a year and I too want to get back to life, but again,

we must remember that we’re fighting an enemy that we cannot see.

That being said, “NOW What?”

Well…I would say, make sure that you understand that things will never be the same, and that

you’ve been given another chance to be GREAT. Make sure that you stay vigilant and keep your

guard up. The weather is getting warmer, the sun is shining, people are emerging, and the

invisible enemy is still lurking. Know without a doubt, “It Ain’t Over.”

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